Sunday, October 10, 2010

To the Beloved Laura Garber

Two days ago a dear dear lady in my church passed away. Her name; Laura Garber.

She was a woman dear to my heart, she affected my life in so many ways. I just have to smile when I think about cute little Laura Garber. She was a small woman in stature but her heart was that of a person four times her size. She loved and accepted all, had a compassion for people that I can only hope I will have someday.

To me she was a mentor, an adopted grandmother, a person that I hope one day I can be. It breaks my heart to know that she is gone, but at the same time I feel a sense of joy because I know she did what she was meant for on this earth. She spread love and compassion so deep around us that this world was shaken by her.

I know that she's in heaven now; but even though she is gone she is still making an impact on hundreds of peoples lives.

I cherish this woman, and I love this woman. May her legacy live on forever.

*side note: she was in her 80's, she lived a great life. In fact she was supposed to get married this next week!! But the good Lord decided to take her.

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